Ipetoys event
New event for the black fingerboard mold!
📌 Follow my instagram @ipetoys_official
📌 Send me the picture of the wood boards you made
📌 Post the mold with the boards you made in your channel and tag me
Winner will be announced on October 31.
September event for the silicon mold
Send me the picture of the resin boards you made. There will be a vote for the most popular one.
💥 Winner will be anounced on September 30.
🎁: Mystery gift!
August event
Give feedback on finished resin fingerboards, will get the free fingerboard mold!
Time: 2022-.8.1-2022.8.3
How to enter?
1. Use our silicone mold to make resin board and send us your finished resin board photos to my Instagram @ipetoys_official.
2. We will number all entries on August 27, and post them on our social accounts (TikTok/ins/Youtube/Facebook) for voting.
3. The social account voting will last for 3 days. On August 31, we will count the top 2 comprehensive votes from the 4 platforms.
4. The 2 people with the most votes will be announced on August 31, and the 2 winners will receive the free fingebroard mold!
🎉 Winner 🎉🎉🎉

2. @goodsdamag_fb Below are his works: